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SL Cabriolet / Roadster (12.2021 - )

SL Cabriolet / Roadster (12.2021 - )
+ Apple iPhone Xs Max
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Device Information

The information below displays the range and coverage of features between the selected device and your vehicle. Please read the comments for extra information on exceptions and requirements.

Apple iPhone Xs Max


Under certain conditions it is necessary to set call volume and media volume on your mobile phone to maximum to get the best sound quality in your vehicle. In order to prevent problems, it is also recommended that the ring tone setting "Change with buttons" (under "Sounds and Haptics") is left switched off.

In order to use your vehicle's message functionality (text message and iMessage), perform the following steps:
In the Bluetooth device list on your iPhone select the item (i) for your vehicle ("MB Bluetooth" or "MBUX"). Activate the item "Show messages" there. The message functionality is at your disposal in the vehicle following reconnection.

Please note our information on which software versions of your mobile phone have been tested and thus released for use in your vehicle.
Installed apps, software updates, phone settings as well as a high use of the main memory and storage space of the phone can affect functionality and cause problems.

Approved phone software versions: iOS 14.0

Remote Park-Pilot

Pair your mobile phone with the vehicle to use remote parking ?

Wireless mobile interface

Wireless charging ?
Authorisation via NFC ?